Practically Ideal

Logan recently reached out to ask me if he could use some of my music for his new podcast called Practically Ideal. Billed as a 'podcast for idealists who like to keep it practical' Logan Beaux and Bob Caswell speak from an intelligent and pragmatic Libertarian perspective. Quite often Libertarians espouse an idealistic, yet completely unrealistic view of how the world 'should be'. These guys keep the hope alive, but look deeply at both the limitations and confusions inherent in many ways this political ideology is often expressed. They offer us a nuanced exploration of how libertarian thinking and action does and does not fit into the lives of intelligent, compassionate, integrally informed and open minded individuals who like playing video games and watching TV as well as being political active; or at least informed.
I, for one, am interested in Libertarianism both for specific reasons related to smaller government, less war, increased liberties (LEGALIZE IT!!) and increased individual trust and responsibility. But, as much as you may or may not support one particular flavor of free market capitalism, who doesn't feel the need for a viable 3rd party in American politics?
Practically Ideal touches upon politics, technology and pop culture....and they play my music. And who doesn't want to hear The Emergence every chance they get?
You can find the podcast at their website: or on iTunes.
Check it out, it's definitely worth a listen.