The Emergence at COSM

Announcing a new Meetup for The NYC Ken Wilber Meetup Group!
What: Special Holiday Event @ CoSM w/ Alex Grey - Mon., 12/15
When: December 15, 2008 6:45 PM
Where: Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM)
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce that Alex Grey has generously offered to conduct a intimate, integrally informed tour of his gallery for iNYCs members, friends and family. Alex will cover such topics as: state experiences and art, subtle energy, and the use of psychedelics for spiritual exploration.
The tour will be followed by a brief Q & A with Alex.
After which “The Emergence”—iNYCs’ own Devin Martin and his friend David Wesson— will provide a participatory musical experience. Our evening will conclude with a holiday toast.
“David and I took on our current work as an experiment in integration,” Devin says. “The languages we use and the methods we engaged were hugely informed by and part of our Integral Life Practices.
“Recognizing that the road of duality, filled as it is with happiness, is necessarily also filled with all of its opposites, people such as Alex, who have ventured so fearlessly, like a shaman, into the limits of our own consciousness, with the intention of taking pictures and bringing them back for the rest of us, have been an inspiration and a guiding light.”

Check out Alex Grey on Integral Naked:
And his artwork also on IN here
As most of you know, CoSM is leaving Manhattan at the end of December. Alex and Allyson Grey will be creating a new chapel and retreat center about an hour north of NYC. So this may be our last chance to the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors as it stands today.
Special iNYCs fee for this event: $20.
*Registration Details*
Please arrive at 6:45pm so we can begin the tour promptly at 7pm!
Learn more here: