Ayahuasca, Travel Devin Martin Ayahuasca, Travel Devin Martin

Ayahuasca 1

I spent weeks before leaving preparing for this experience. I made a conscious decision to make this as transformative an experience as possible. I decided to be as vulnerable and to offer as much of myself to the experience as I could. I came up with six topics of exploration.

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Integral, The Emergence, Travel Devin Martin Integral, The Emergence, Travel Devin Martin

Head Above Water

It was a rough few months, and somehow, jumping back into the blog thing seemed daunting. I’ve talked so much about the homeless situation (which lasted a month) and the events that surrounded it, that I was just bored with it, but felt like i couldn’t just completely gloss over them and post something that just happened. So I didn’t write anything. I’m gonna attempt a condensed version of the past months so I can move on and start writing again, as exciting things are happening.

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Integral Devin Martin Integral Devin Martin

Integral Studies - Lesson 1

Since part of me reason for taking courses in Integral Theory is to be accepted into the cult and thus help spread the good word I am going to try sharing my responses to assignments on this here blog. I know that some of you are wondering what the hell I have gotten myself into while others have an inkling and are curious to know more. Some already know quite a bit and perhaps as this progresses you shall learn even more with me. Please feel free to question and criticize at al times.

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Health Devin Martin Health Devin Martin

Fast and Slow - The Master Cleanse

It is time for me to take stock of my eating once again. I have felt the need for a cleanse coming on for a month or two, but have been finding excuses around every corner. Once a year, for the past four years, I have done Stanley Burrough’s ‘Master Cleanse’ for ten days.

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Travel Devin Martin Travel Devin Martin

Cuttyhunk Island

Cuttyhunk is a cute, low-key, island full of old (inherited) homes and new (big $) summer houses. It has very few cars and quite a few golf carts, 4 wheelers, and moorings. I spent Friday night in one of the apartments in Benjamin’s parents house and then spent Saturday and Sunday night with Sean at one of his parents homes.

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Health Devin Martin Health Devin Martin

Home Birth

birth should be an empowering experience - this is just one small snippet of what her birth was like for me. i felt powerful, present, connected to all women before me, truly doing what God made my body to do.

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Belief, Consciousness Devin Martin Belief, Consciousness Devin Martin


Antoinette asked me recently why I said that one of the reasons for creating my blog was to make myself more vulnerable. My response was to tell her that I feel as if I was raised to think that I was ‘special’ and ‘different’ and that at some point I indulged these ideas too much and this was one of the beliefs that left me feeling isolated and alone in the world.

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Art Devin Martin Art Devin Martin

The Fountain

I finally watched ‘The Fountain’, a film by Darren Aronofsky. This is the guy who made Pi and Requiem for a Dream. And I have to admit, I was really blown away. Tony has been telling me for months to see this movie. He was right.

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Art, Integral, Music Devin Martin Art, Integral, Music Devin Martin

Integral Art

The idea of developing Integral Arts was suggested to me recently by Joanne Rubin. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I am always interested in developing artistic expression and I feel strongly that Sangha (community-LL) is a hugely important aspect of this.

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Consciousness, Health, Integral, Science Devin Martin Consciousness, Health, Integral, Science Devin Martin

Consciousness and Healing

I am just finishing reading Consciousness and Healing. It is encouraging to know that some 67 doctors feel strongly enough about an integral approach to medicine to put such a book together. It doesn’t quite make we want to break my decade long moratorium on paid medical assistance, but I feel good knowing that should the need arise, they will be there.

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Health Devin Martin Health Devin Martin

Embrace - The Beauty of Pain

Take it all in. Dive deep when you know not how the next breathe will come. Keep on pushing when it begins to hurt. Recognize that there is life in pain. In pain we remember that which we have let lie untouched.

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Consciousness Devin Martin Consciousness Devin Martin

I don't mind

In my efforts to sit still in meditation and let go I find myself reaching, grasping, for an experience of release. Perhaps you recognize the futility in this.

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Health, Travel Devin Martin Health, Travel Devin Martin


I am consumed by inertia. What other forces are there? Where does will fit in with this? Is life but a constant reaction of one open system to another? What is the force that allows me to sit still and decide upon a new course of action?

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Health, Integral Devin Martin Health, Integral Devin Martin


For a few years I have been attempting my own version of what I now call my ILP or Integral Life Practice. Recently though, I have become part of an official ILP group. It appears that, as far as I-I is concerned, NY is only the 2nd place to begin organized ILP groups. Aren’t we special?

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