Health, Integral Devin Martin Health, Integral Devin Martin

Emotional Eating - Integrative Nutrition Graduation

Being a holistic health counselor trained at IIN guarantees that one is bringing their awareness to these and many other ways in which food is an integral part of the complex web of our lives. Our relationships, our careers, exercise, spirituality, our environment, society, all of these things must be taken into account if we are to truly understand our cravings and how they can be sated.

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Music, NoAffiliation Devin Martin Music, NoAffiliation Devin Martin

Hunger Dreams

A number of years back Anthony Schwartzman approached me to write a song or two for a theater piece he was working on for his theatre company Oblivion Productions. When all was said and done I had worked with him and David Wesson to write, record and perform the score for Hunger Dreams.

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Health Devin Martin Health Devin Martin

Community Acupuncture

I know a number of people who have gotten great results from acupuncture treatments. I have always been interested, but had never really had a reason to lay out $100+ other than curiosity. Here’s where the community acupuncture model steps in.

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FLOW Devin Martin FLOW Devin Martin

What is a life well lived?

You are invited to join a remarkable group of friends, creatives, and critical thinkers for a Sunday afternoon birthday gathering. We will tackle the question: What is a well-lived life? …What does it look like? How is it lived?

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Travel Devin Martin Travel Devin Martin

Covering Ground

I’ve been traveling a bit lately for work. I’ve been in Dallas and Austin, Syracuse and Buffalo; threats of Georgia and Boston that will probably manifest in the near future. I’m in transition from being the Operations Manager for the Northeast Region to becoming something like National Accounts Manager for Tutela.

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Integral, Music, The Emergence Devin Martin Integral, Music, The Emergence Devin Martin

The Emergence at COSM

We are pleased to announce that Alex Grey has generously offered to conduct a intimate, integrally informed tour of his gallery for iNYCs members, friends and family. Alex will cover such topics as: state experiences and art, subtle energy, and the use of psychedelics for spiritual exploration.

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Music, The Emergence Devin Martin Music, The Emergence Devin Martin


In an iNYCs email thread recently Randi posted about ‘Solitude, intrapersonal communicaiton, ego and being’. She described her time spent alone in a room editing video and asked others to share their experiences. Here is my response based on my experiences working on music in my studio (she suggested I throw it on here):

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Music Devin Martin Music Devin Martin

Origins of Music / Food Poisoning

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the following; what I just found in my notebook. Some of these thoughts were new, foreign to me at the time. I know not from where they came. I’ve tried to type it as it was written.

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Ayahuasca, Travel Devin Martin Ayahuasca, Travel Devin Martin

Ayahuasca 2

Though I envisioned spending a good deal of time traveling around the area, Silvia’s land was so beautiful, peaceful and serene that I ended up spending most of my time there reading, hanging out with my new friends, ‘knitting on the dock of the bay’, reading, doing yoga and just being.

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